Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Wonders Of Mirror Thinking


Whenever there are problems in a marriage, the couples involved go into a fit of thinking. Most times, they think of things that are unfavourable to their marriages. They think this way:
SPOUSAL THOUGHT: Every troubled spouse always thinks his or her spouse is the problem. They write a long list of the evil deeds of their spouses but none of theirs. This kind of thought makes a resolution of the marriage crisis difficult because everybody has someone to blame.
OUTER THOUGHT: The thought of fighting couples always borders around people they think are the problems in their marriages. They blame friends, in-laws, parents, siblings, colleagues, etc.
STRONGHOLD THOUGHT: Sometimes, they blame generational curses, evil patterns, evil covenants, evil bounce-backs, etc. They look for something they will say is the cause of their marital issues.
DIABOLICAL THOUGHTS: Sometimes, they blame some diabolical powers, witchcraft, marine spirits, voodoo, occult powers, spirit husbands and wives, etc.
OBJECT LOOK: Sometimes, they try to look at the objects that are causing their problems. They can base it on their jobs, the house they live in, their church, etc.
MIRROR THOUGHT: “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye, not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” 2 Corinthians 13:5 (KJV)
The best thought that can save your marriage and bring out the best in your home is what is known as mirror thought. A mirror thought involves sitting down to think about your contribution to the trouble in your marriage and taking responsibility for them. It takes very mature people to get to this level of thought. A lesser mind always has something or somebody to blame for their problems.