Last time I discuss abojt fighting for love in marriage. Click this link to go through it.
God created us to be happy
people, and through this article it is hoped to enhance the expression of true
love between husband and wife and dispel some unfounded fear. The abuse of
physical sex has been the major thing that breaks marriage and reduces love
between two people who truly love each other. Once the act of sex predominate
love that exist between two couples, that means there is trouble on the way.
This will make the couple to start substituting sex for real love in other to
make things right in their life and their home. Without knowing that it is
leading to their separation. For the couples to avoid this, they should
understand that love feeds on personal intercourse, involving the whole person,
not just on the physical act of sex.
It takes several years of
trying before one master how to use sex properly in marriage, just like
anything else, for you to be successful in anything; you have to do it several
times before you become perfect in doing that. But unfortunately some people
never learn the secret of using sex properly to protect their marriage which
results in unnecessarily collapse of so many marriages today. I don’t know
whether you that is reading this article now is a victim of that, just relax
and continue reading, you will get that solution to that challenging situation
in your marriage.
The real test of sexual
relationship comes when one of the partners just doesn’t feel like it. The
reaction of the husband or the wife will determine what happens to the entire
family. It would be very helpful if everyone realized before marriage that
there would be many times when they will not feel like having intercourse. But there
would be a lot less sex if you were always waits until both of you felt like
having it.
On the other hand, there will
be more happy marriages if men and women will be more honest with each other
concerning their sexual desires and gave their real feelings a chance to
develop. In today’s world sex has become so disproportionate that it often
takes precedence over people’s deeper feelings.
It would seem that what is
needed as much as anything is a sense of humour. I believe this will
help enormously to put sex in its place. It would also defuse fears of inadequacy.
Remember we are not sex machines. So our love should not depend on sex. There
are times when you and your partner feel like having sex and times when you
don’t feel like having it at all. It is very necessary that you and your
partner should know your own limitation and accept yourselves, just as you are.
A happy marriage is one where
the balance is maintained between the physical and spiritual. To maintain that
balance, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse on many occasions,
like times of sickness and excessive tiredness, out of respect for one’s
partner. But another very important reason is that temporary abstinence is the
key to the highest peaks of experience in life.
I want to tell you that, it
is possible to achieve contentment during the times of abstinence by developing
a facility to express your love without intercourse. It takes time, love and
strength of character, but the reward in terms of emotional well being is worth
the effort. What a pity not to try. Enforced abstinence with little
understanding is a different ball game, especially when the husband is
conscious only to satisfy his own needs. Then it can cause frustration and
tension. When, however, love is understood in its fullness, things change. Abstinence
can cause the quantity of sex to reduce but increases its quality. You are not
abstaining from love when you abstain from sex. On the contrary, abstinence is
frequently the highest expression of love, especially for a woman to experience
non-genital expression of love from her husband can be a powerful means of
assuring her of the depth of his love. This will make the woman love for her
husband to grow and maintain a true trust for him, so that she later filled
with a new dimension of self –giving, which enhances the experience of
intercourse for both of them.
Likewise, the husband becomes
conscious of deepening respect and love for his wife. This will make him not to
always have intercourse with his wife just only when ever he wishes but he will
always consider doing so when the right time arrives, and this is really deeply
rewarding. His wife confidence and trust fill him with new sense of strength
and peace. Wherever equality of the sexes exists, especially in the intimate
world of marriage, liberation of the female liberates the male. True love
raises the status of woman and man.
So dear friends I strongly
advice that you should try to use abstinence method to grow in love and
achieve greater sexual enjoyment as husband and wife.
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