Thursday, 30 November 2017

Give Your Spouse Your Best Not Your Left Over


What does marriage have to do with leadership? If you are married, everything. Nothing will undermine your effectiveness as a leader faster than a bad marriage. Your marriage is a living example of what it is like to be in a close relationship with you. This is why it is so important that leaders get this right if they want to influence others.
And also in every area of life

How do you give your spouse your best?

By giving them your best, you make them your best friend.
First, understand their like and dislike.

Once you are able to identify this. You can be able to communicate well with him or her
What kind of intimacy and friendship do you share with your spouse ?
Do you do things together, like having a nice time together. Such as going for a long work, eating together, bathing together etc. If you and your spouse doesn't share this kind of intimacy. You have to be the first to make a move. Be the first to sow a seed and see things turn out positively. Surprise him/her.
You can start with "honey i prefers to eat with you than to eat alone" So from now on we will be eating together, bathing together etc. You have to be religious about it. So that it becomes part of your life.

Now Become That Person for Your Spouse

That’s right. Turn the table. Try as much as you can to be your partner friend. Be the first to give, so you will receive. Focus your effort on how to make your spouse your best friend.Think of the possibilities. Lasting relationships comes down to friendship that flourish marriages. Couples who stay married make an intentional effort to connect, share interests, and meet their spouse’s emotional needs.
Keep Sowing the Seeds Until the Relationship Blossoms

How long will it take to create this kind of relationship?
It all depends on where you are starting. For some, it might be several months. For others, it might take years. Friendships are like gardens; they must be cultivated. The key is to be consistent and persistent—without expectations.There’s usually reason to hope in almost any circumstance. “[T]here’s a great deal of evidence showing the more someone receives or witnesses kindness, the more they will be kind themselves, which leads to upward spirals of love and generosity in a relationship,” says Emily Esfhani Smith.It’s amazing what can happen when we assume the best and stay meaningfully engaged with our spouses.This is really nothing more than the application of the Golden Rule to marriage: “Do to others what you would want them to do to you” (Luke 6:31).If couples would invest in one another like I am suggesting, the divorce rate would plummet. Romance is important. Sex is too. But a solid friendship is the foundation of everything you need in marriage.
 rule should be to give your spouse your freshest and best—the first fruits of your time and energy—not your leftovers.
Have the Mindset that your Spouse is a Top Priority. Create out time to go on date with your spouse. It will really help your marriage. You will spent quality time together without having distraction from your kids. But i must say that most couple have neglected this. So is time to spice things up in our marriages.

Question: What could you do today to be a better friend to your spouse?
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